One of the consequences of demographic changes and the modern way of life is the increase of intergenerational alienation, which worsens the quality of life of the elderly population due to loneliness. This also prevents the transfer of the life experiences of the elderly to the youth. In order to reduce the intergenerational gap, the Development Agency for Upper Gorenjska has been running a program of intergenerational gatherings for many years. At those informal meetings, the children, who are naturally direct and full of life, help the elderly maintain contact with the world while at the same time realizing that the elderly can be fun, witty, and highly knowledgeable. Younger generations build a respectful attitude towards the elderly and learn to accept age and diversity, which helps to establish a nicer and better relationship between generations. The emotional intelligence that young people develop in the process can help them later in their lives and when dealing with business challenges.

The project is financed by the Municipality of Kranjska Gora.

  • establishment of intergenerational cooperation between children and the elderly,
  • organization of intergenerational meetings with various workshops,
  • organization of the final event.