An essential part of self-supply is certainly growing food at home, in gardens and fields. Homemade (organic) food is much healthier, and its production has a negligible negative impact on the environment. By growing our own food, we prevent the introduction of monocultures that destroy the natural balance and resist multinational companies that aggressively penetrate the European market. The importance of self-supply was demonstrated precisely during the COVID-19 pandemic, the consequences of which will most likely be visible in the future. With self-supply, we contribute to balancing the family budget, strengthen mental and physical health, and take care of the environment. By supporting local food production, we preserve jobs and enable rural development. Last but not least, locally produced food empowers the country to be self-determined and to have food sovereignty.

  • through modern social channels, to make younger citizens aware of the importance of self-sufficiency, nutritional independence, and at the same time to encourage and teach them about the possibilities for their own food production,
  • start with the activities of the regional project on the topic of supplying public institutions with locally produced food.

The project is divided into three work sections:

Promotion of own production and awareness of the local population, where we design a system for free receipt of some basic raw materials for food production and inform citizens about the importance of local self-sufficiency through webinars. Promotion also takes place via modern social networks.

Analysis of interest and needs for locally produced food, in the framework of which we conduct surveys at primary schools about the use, interest and needs for locally produced food, surveys among leading catering providers about the use, interest and needs for locally produced food, as well as interviews with cooperatives and other forms of farmers’ associations on the state of production and sale of locally produced food.

The establishment of market channels for the sale of local food, the inclusion of growers in digital sales channels, which includes:

presentation of options for presenting growers online: lectures at the local level – presentation of the Optifarm Smart system, the Naša super hrana website;
technical and substantive assistance: help to interested growers in joining Optifarm Smart online sales (presentation, photography of the farm, crops/products).